+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

Un-gentlemanly Singaporeans

7th May 2005

Look out guys! To everyone with penis out there! Recently it makes me realise why Singapore ladies think lowly of our men. Yup, me too also think lowly of you guys. Its only I started work that let me see this ugly side of you.

During the rush hour to work, everyone wanna board the train. Ehh guys, please behave more like a man should do. See a lady coming in, please please move in a little to let her come in. Hey there is still a big space around you enough to squeeze in your big body. Don't crowd at the door and see her standing outside having to wait for the next train to arrive!

Hold the door for ANYONE! Even when you see a guy with a dick bigger than yours, still hold the door for him. Don't be such a snob!

Say "Sorry" when you accidently knock into somebody. Don't just walk away! It gets so mad, you know?!

There are still many many more un-gentleman behaviour I can quote. But I'll stop to save your big ego. So, you see, just these points are enough to make any girls think lowly of you. Wake up your idea guys! Unless you really meant to marry China aunties and Vietnam pussies...

jOoOoOey sparkled at 11:56 am
