+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

21 May 2006

step into home sweet home from Club 18. intoxicated with chivas regal and macallen. not drunk though. it's better off this time, i can stil drive, walk in a straight line and enter this post. but how come my world is spinning and my head hurts? i must be tired.

did some silly stupid acts and make 'em laugh. hahaha

silly isn't it? ps: alex, i didn't put these peanuts back into the basket.

i wanna thank felicia (zai's gal) for bringing me to hula&o to get discounted stuff and shopping with me. feels good to have "sponsors" around yeah? thanks hubby for buying me those clothings. i love you!
ps: felicia, when are we gonna do this again??????

i think i better get some rest. i see stars on my walls.

fuck blogger. i can't publish my post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jOoOoOey sparkled at 2:59 am
