+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

13 October 2006

Black Friday!!! It's believed that ill luck will befall~ And I think it's happening to us... today!

We have this divorce file which is supposed to go for hearing today, in fact now. From the very first day this file started, it's been tagged "suay". I shan't go into the details (it's confidential!) but a lot of bad things happened to this case!

Apparently, there's even a term for it - Paraskevidekatriaphobia. The fear for Friday the 13th. Even the string of alphabets looks scarily long.

The fear has much more to do with personal experience. People learn at a young age that Friday the 13th is supposed to be unlucky, for whatever reason, and then they look for evidence that the legend is true. The evidence isn't hard to come by, of course. If you get in a car accident on one Friday the 13th, lose your wallet, or even spill your coffee, that day will probably stay with you. But if you think about it, bad things, big and small, happen all the time. If you're looking for bad luck on Friday the 13th, you'll probably find it.

Let's not be so superstitious bout it!

jOoOoOey sparkled at 2:15 pm
