+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

8 July 2006

I guess you might have listen to Paris Hilton's new song - Stars Are Blind over the radio. It's a nice hit, isn't it? Unfortunately, the album isn't out now. I'm gonna buy it!!! It just didn't sound like her. Saw her MTV for this song as well... apparently, the theme for this music video doesn't quite match with the lyrics. She's on the beach and with a cute hunk and she's in bikini - 80% of the time. Covers for the album?

I was extremely stressed out by my boss on Friday. Friday's supposed to be relaxing and easy to end the 5- day working week. I hate it! I didn't managed to see a Deed Poll inside a client's divorce file and of course I was blasted by that old, bad-tempered man... arrgh! I think I got Irene into the hot soup as well... I'm sorry! So, both of us were very unhappy over the trivia matter. Luckily the day was not too tough to end... To welcome my weekend mood, Gerald brought me to have a nice and not-so-expensive dinner @ Takashimaya. We've been there once and fell in love with it. Love it, love it love it!
saba for the giantBBQ squid for me
yummilious corn on the grillvoila! mix funghi
The whole dinner only costs 25 bucks!! Ain't it a worthy deal? And the best thing is, it takes a lil' more than 15 minutes to get your food infront of you with no service charge!
While waiting..........
the hungry giant
smile pleeeeeeease
the moody one tryin to smile

jOoOoOey sparkled at 4:24 pm
