+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

one step out

11th September 2005

A Sales Rep no more!!! I'm Free!!! It took all the might and courage to type the resignation letter. I don't know if this is God helping me or I'm just plain lucky. I've joined a Law Firm as a Secretary. I was employed upon interview!!! Lucky? And have been working there for a week. As for the stupid contract, I have the lawyer to counterstrike her! Lucky? Not many people knew 'bout this job-switch, but I still gotta keep it low cuz I'm not gonna pay her more than what she deserves!

This is definitely a more challenging job than anyone. I've got dates and time to meet and be meticulous at the same time. Very interesting job and get to meet funny clients. I've just got an Swenson date from a client! I'm currently very happy about this new position. Wish me luck next week, cuz she's coming to meet me. If she gets too far, I'm gonna give a big punch! I've got nothing to lose, cuz I'm working in a law frim and got 2 lawyers to fight for me... *GRINZ*

jOoOoOey sparkled at 4:06 pm
