+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

3 January 2010

Hello hello.... It's been SO long!!! Uber tied down with work and studies! (STUDIES??!??!!!!)

Yeah! Studies! You heard me! Its about time I should upgrade myself =) Took up a degree course @ Kaplan with the National University of Ireland, Dublin majoring in Human Resource Management. It's a 18-month program, very hectic time table and schedules. Why HRM? I don't know!!!! Well, its just for the knowledge and for the sake of having degree (in case one day I really hated legal work and also er hem $$$$ boss, you hear me?? I demand an increase in my pay the day I completed my course!). This has greatly enhanced my brain with the real world (I do read a LOT more nowadays cuz there's plenty of research work to be done) and also something I think I lack - Self-discipline! I just completed a 2000 word assignment (that took me 3 weeks!!!!) and exams are just round the corner in 2 TWO weeks time (and I haven't done a single revision yet!!!). My aim is to get a First Class Honours (to make my bucks worth!) or at least a 2nd Upper... Hmm nothing beyond 3rd I hope!

I have also switched firm. Like I mentioned in the previous post, work is really suffocating! And it worsens my studies!!! So, without a job in hand, I quitted Sterling Law Corporation. Its a little sad for me cuz the people there are really wonderful! I made several good buddies there and I had to fight back my tears on my last day =(((((( Bosses are nice people too! But I somehow think that they lack an important ingredient in thier management of organisation - Maslow's Hierachy of Needs. Anyway, the 3 months period really opened my vision! The 4 years of experience I already had is really peanuts (with due respect to Mrs Goh CT on that "word")! So my ultimate reason of leaving YMP really meant something - to gain more exposure.

I'm glad that Mr WY still keep in touch with me... I think he'll be the best boss I ever had =( So far, no one can surpass him ( I even did an assignment on him!!!!). He's like a mentor, a friend... Though sometimes he can be quite a pain in the ass with his weather-like temper (sorry Mr Yeo!!!) I can tell he truly cares for his staff, he's pretty disappointed when I told him I signed up for a non-legal related degree cuz he always think that I have the deeds to do it and argue in Court. He sends seasonal greetings, asked who are you feeling on days we're on MC (well, at least ME! Haha!).

One person I soley miss.... Irene. When you're with someone over a period of time, its like she knows what you want without opening your mouth! I wonder if I can ever find someone like her in the workplace anymore =(

The true meaning (to me) of leaving a workplace is another new beginning and with what you already had, bring them to the next level. Its sad to bid goodbye but it has to done. That's how one sees the world.

Am now with Ascentsia Law Corporation. My current boss knows about my studies needs and they give me spaces to juggle work and books. They recently promoted me (its more of a re-desgination to me) to Asst Legal Manager, with that they fufiled Maslow's theory! It a kind of motivation, and I think its good!

Everyone ask: How's the job? Is it good? Well, I say that still too early to tell -_*

The coming week is gonna be uber hectic cuz my senior is on leave for the whole week and I had to fight the war alone =( Time to head back to fine tunning my work! Till then!

jOoOoOey sparkled at 3:27 pm
