+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

31 July 2007

I'm down with fucking viral gastric flu again~

If drinking makes my stomach weak, I'd give up my stomach!!!!!!!

Well..... just kidding! But....... I'm hooked on single malt :-(

to dump your wife & leave me your kids
oh~ speak no evil

jOoOoOey sparkled at 5:46 pm

19 July 2007

To de-stress myself and to help others de-stress, I accidently stumbled onto http://www.simpsonizeme.com/! It's remarkable program allows you to upload your pix and Simpsonize YOU! Woot... In no time you shall turn into some yellow 4-fingered :-)

from this.......

into THIS!!!!!

jOoOoOey sparkled at 5:35 pm

11 July 2007

I was "supposed" to go on MC today due to some reno works and a really bad head & body aches. So i happily went to see the doctor and was told to stick that thermometer into my mouth, which i did and WTF i had viral infection!!! Some body ache + sore throat + 38 deg cel = VIRAL INFECTION??!!! Sucks... Now i had 2 days sick leave instead of 1... very nice...

*i fell into some shit hole*

jOoOoOey sparkled at 7:34 pm

3 July 2007

you have throw me a question tonight with a reason behind.

jOoOoOey sparkled at 11:57 pm
