+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

13 June 2008

i heard someone telling me "You expect a lot of things in a marriage, but who could see themselves replaced like that?"

jOoOoOey sparkled at 1:45 pm

13 June 2008

Friday the Thirteen.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed~

jOoOoOey sparkled at 9:30 am

10 June 2008

Crippling Slippers

"...determined that wearing thong-style flip-flops can result in sore feet, ankles and legs..."



jOoOoOey sparkled at 3:27 pm

05 June 2008

Joey is so damn weak! Down with stomach flu again!!!!! Arrgh!!!!!!!!!

jOoOoOey sparkled at 12:53 pm

01 June 2008
Wah... so full leh!!! Yup, just came back from Sakae's buffet dinner heeeeeeeeee... Think we had too much food and started bringing out our cameras trying at all the funny faces and finding max's most-photogenic angle.

what's with that expression???

your vote!!

ermmm am i kinda over-age for these poses

STOP asking me to pose!

since u like it so much, there u go...

What's GSS without shopping??? How bout clocking 12pm to 8pm on Orchard Road...

Either she had a micro-sleep or she "saw a black cat".

pathetic macdonald's fillet-o-fish with just a teeny pumy piece of cheese... tsk tsk tsk next time i bring my own cheese lar...
OMG = Oh My God! And who the hell wants to have this kinda company name???

jOoOoOey sparkled at 1:28 am
