+~a howl of pure ecstasy~+

22 March 2010
It's been.... 12458789795446125185 days since I like post an entry here?? Yeah yeah I know... Luckily there's still twitter posts to keep it alive!
What have I been up to??
1. Done my first term papers - Economics and Organisational Behavior; and the second term papers: Managing Change and Cross-Cultural Management are coming in April which I totally have no idea what they are about. I heard these are interesting subjects BUT they're uber boring! I (We) blame it on the lecturers' for making the class so dead =(((( And if you have been following my FB status... you'd know how the Chinese lecturer uses her "very fantastic english" to teach despite her residence in the Europe for the past few years (as she had claimed). I think she's one big cross-cultural topic herself!
2. Assignments have also been tying everyone down... Uncle's very high expectations has been pulling the motivation spirits down... Haiz it does makes me wonder if I'm unsuitable to work in a group? But others do feel the same way leh... so... its not my fault! Hee!!!
3. I have resumed my exercise regime!!! Yeah!!!!! Sacrificing sleep to do runs and abs-toning? Good!!! I'm up to some "other help" to shed some weight... let's see if it works! Nah... not pills or invasive stuff... (im not that dumb puuuuulleeeease!)
4. I got my very own namecard after 6 years since I had them!
5. I'll be re-visiting Cameroon Highlands!!!!! I need a rejunvenating trip desperately before I look 10years older from work.
That's pretty much I guess... Till then!!!!

jOoOoOey sparkled at 9:30 am
